Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Lone Ranger and Tonto Fisticuffs in Heaven

Lone Ranger and Tonto Fisticuffs in HeavenThis year, I got a book entitled Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Joe Ranft. In this book, I learn about a couple of Biblical characters, including Moses and Joseph. I also read about the early life of Moses, his life with Pharaoh, his years of learning and teaching about the God's that exist, his time in the wilderness, and finally, his story of looking for his long lost family.I really liked the story of Joe's Lone Ranger and Tonto story. Both the Lone Ranger and Tonto have similar characters. Both have a big dream and wish to become a great American hero.These two characters had a similar story of their family and their upbringing, all the wayward teens, the golden cage, and much more. The heroes are simply a result of each hero's own unique dreams. Joe was able to add so much more to this story, that it seemed that he gave each character, such personality and emotion, that they should be placed into the main characters.I was i mpressed at how well Joe was able to convey so much of this storyline. Although each character had their own unique personality, they did share a similar dream. I enjoyed the way Joe wanted each character to have a strong character. He didn't want them to be too 'buddy' with one another, but he wanted each character to have his own way of going about things.I liked that Joe was able to allow his characters to be a little on the shy side, which I have seen in other comics. However, I felt that this story could have been a lot more powerful if Joe had allowed the characters to share the love that they both had for one another. There was one instance where Joseph cried, when he found out that his wife was pregnant and did not understand why he should cry. Although he was the one who actually discovered her pregnancy, but I felt that Joe was too eager to continue his narrative, and made it seem as if he were the one who was supposed to be feeling sad about his wife's pregnancy.My son al so loved the Lone Ranger and Tonto Fisticuffs in Heaven story. In fact, I'm afraid that this will be the comic that my son chooses for his birthday. His kids are two and three, so I know that he is already starting to develop an interest in comics. I am quite sure that he'll love the Lone Ranger and Tonto story, which is about a tough guy who never quits and is always thinking about what he can do to help others.Of course, the characters of Lone Ranger and Tonto are so different from one another that they do not always seem like they have a lot in common. However, at the end of the day, they were just born to be in the same story together. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fisticuffs in Heaven story was fun and entertaining to read, and my son loved the whole story.If you are looking for a comic that your kids can enjoy, this is the one for you. This story was definitely something that my kids would enjoy. I hope that this book continues to get more attention, because it's great comic that my kids can read and enjoy.

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